Positive & Negative Geared
- A property guy told me that buying negative geared is the only way to buy a property? (1 minuteread)
- What are some good places in Australia to buy positively geared property? (1 minuteread)
- If I have a real estate property generating positive monthly cashflow, will that affect my debt to income when applying for another mortgage? (1 minuteread)
- What percentage of the positive cash flow should keep for myself when investing in property? (1 minuteread)
- What is the proper way to make investments in real estate to give you the max cash flow? (1 minuteread)
- Would it be a good idea to buy a home and renting it out claiming negative gearing tax benefits? (1 minuteread)
- What type of property investments are there that can give me cash back each week? (1 minuteread)
- Should I buy a negative geared or positive geared property? (1 minuteread)